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1 June 2022
A Gray Dawn rises! Acid Rain World: Gray Dawn pre-orders started!


To all Commanders: 


A Gray Dawn rises! We are happy to report to you that Acid Rain World: Gray Dawn pre-orders have started in both the iOS App Store and the Google Play Store. In this next-gen grand strategy MMO, you will challenge the dangers of the polluted Gray Zones and unravel its many mysteries. Notably, all gameplay - including player alliance and diplomacy, city building, and epic battles - happens on one enormous map, putting your tactical and strategic abilities to the test. Claim your own domain, recruit charismatic heroes to lead your armies, and forge a new destiny for the people of the Acid Rain World!

Go to the links below and preorder the game. The Acid Rain World needs YOU!

iOS link: https://apps.apple.com/app/id1599234928

Android link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fooniemagus.acidrainworldgraydawn


*Please note that the game is not available in Mainland China and South Korea at this time, but will launch in these two regions at a later date.
